Vehrdict AI

From VEHRDICT Support

VEHRDICT integrates AI throughout its electronic healthcare record (EHR) system to enhance functionality and streamline operations. The system utilizes advanced AI to enable voice-command navigation across all areas of the EHR, allowing users to perform a variety of tasks such as creating patient and insurance records, entering encounter notes, and generating invoices solely through speech. This voice-enabled interaction is facilitated by a user-friendly interface where clicking the microphone icon activates the AI window, enabling direct vocal commands for editing information, performing dictation, and accessing diverse functionalities.

Navigate to the VEHRDICT AI window by selecting the menu option on the left side. A screenshot of the VEHRDICT AI window is shown below. You can access the AI functions by clicking the microphone icon at the top of the window.

Adding a New Patient using AI

To add a patient using the AI, click the "VEHRDICT AI" menu option on the left side and then click the microphone icon at the top. Then begin speaking. Use the command "Create a new patient record for ..." and then speak naturally and say things like "address is 123 main street", "phone number is 404-555-2323". Continue with other information such as email, social security number, driver's license, etc.

Data Entry Options

Use any of the following phrases or prompts to add or edit records. Recommended info fields are listed under each category.

Create or Add a New Patient

Trigger Phrases

"Create a new patient", "New patient", "Add a patient"

Recommended Info

Name, DOB, Gender, Address, City/State/ZIP, Phone, Marital Status, SSN, License #, Medical Record #, Email, Notes

Example Prompt

> Create a new patient for John Smith, DOB 01/05/1980, phone (555) 123-4567

Create or Add a New Appointment

Trigger Phrases

"Create a new appointment", "Add a new appointment", "New appointment"

Recommended Info

Title, Date, Time, Duration, Notes

Example Prompt

> Create a new appointment on March 15 at 2:00 pm for John Smith

Create or Add a New Encounter

Trigger Phrases

"Create a new encounter", "New encounter", "Add new encounter"

Recommended Info

Patient details, Encounter notes

Example Prompt

> Create a new encounter for John Smith: reason is recurring headaches

Create or Add a New Facility

Trigger Phrases

"Add a new facility", "Create a new facility", "New facility"

Recommended Info

Facility Name, Address, City/State/ZIP, Email, Phone, Fax, Notes

Example Prompt

> Add a new facility called Central Clinic, 123 Main Street, Springfield, phone (555) 123-4567

Create or Add a New Pharmacy

Trigger Phrases

"Create a new pharmacy", "Add a new pharmacy", "New pharmacy"

Recommended Info

Pharmacy Name, Address, City/State/ZIP, Email

Example Prompt

> Add a new pharmacy named GreenPharm at 456 Health Way, Suite 2B, Springfield

Create or Add a New Prescription

Trigger Phrases

"Add a new prescription", "Create a new prescription", "New prescription"

Recommended Info

Medication Name, Quantity, Dosage, Form, Size/Units, Route, Frequency, Duration, Interval/Substitute, Refills, Start/End Dates

Example Prompt

> Create a new prescription for John Smith: Amoxicillin 500mg, 3 times/day for 7 days

Add Vitals

Trigger Phrases

"Add vitals", "New vitals", "Vitals"

Recommended Info

Blood Pressure, Weight, Height, Temperature, Pulse, Respiration, Notes

Example Prompt

> Add vitals for John Smith: BP 120/80, weight 170 lbs, height 5’10”

Create or Add a New Provider

Trigger Phrases

"Add a new provider", "New provider", "Create a new provider"

Recommended Info

First/Last Name, DOB, Address, City/State/ZIP, Email

Example Prompt

> Add a new provider: Dr. Sarah Johnson, DOB 06/12/1978, 789 Health Ave, Springfield,

Create or Add New Insurance

Trigger Phrases

"Add insurance", "Create insurance", "Add a new insurance"

Recommended Info

Insurance Company, Plan Name, Policy Number, Group Number, Subscriber Name, Co-pay, Notes

Note: Ensure a patient is selected first.

Example Prompt

> Add new insurance for John Smith: XYZ Insurance, policy #12345, $20 co-pay

Medical / Family / Social / Surgical History

Trigger Phrases

"Medical history", "Family history", "Social history", "Surgical history"

Recommended Info

Medical, Surgical, Family, Social history details

Example Prompt

> Add social history for John Smith: Non-smoker, teacher, occasional alcohol use

Other Commands

You can also:

  • **Search for a Patient**
 > Search for patient John Smith  
 > Search for all patients with the last name Miller
  • **Navigation**
 > Take me to the calendar  
 > Take me to the reports
  • **Create a Note**
 > Create a new patient note

Type your request in natural language. If you don’t see a relevant hint, just rephrase the request.

VEHRDICT AI introduces a dynamic interface designed to enhance user interaction. This setup enables comprehensive site navigation, editing capabilities, and dictation functions. The intuitive design caters to a broad spectrum of user needs, facilitating a seamless experience in managing and analyzing information efficiently.


To begin using VEHRDICT AI, enter your designated username and password on the login screen, ensuring secure access to the system’s comprehensive features. The login page, marked by the VEHRDICT logo, is straightforward and user-friendly, with a focus on privacy and ease of access.

After logging in, you'll find yourself on the main dashboard. To delve into the AI-powered functionalities, locate and click on the 'VEHRDICT AI' tab situated in the bottom left of the dashboard. This tab is your portal to the innovative tools and insights that VEHRDICT AI offers. The tab is highlighted in the left-hand toolbar in the screenshot below.

Main Features

VEHRDICT AI simplifies interaction with its voice command feature. By clicking the microphone icon on the top toolbar, users can activate the AI window and issue commands through speech. This hands-free convenience allows users to instruct the AI to navigate the site, edit information, perform dictation, and access a wide range of functionalities. After giving a command, users can either verbally say "do it" or click the 'Do It' button in the bottom right corner to initiate the action. This feature ensures an efficient and user-friendly experience, harnessing the full power of AI to serve the user's needs.